So speaking of birthdays, Gracie turned two and had a birthday party that was...memorable. Jen got sick the day before we were going to welcome 20 people to our house. She went to the Dr. and she said that Jen was highly contagious and should not be around anyone. We find this out 2 hours before the party started. So Baba and Maureen and the grandmothers did the best they could in hosting, and we all survived. So then we make it through Halloween...
And Christmas...
And then a few days ago, one of the highlights of the year...Ciaran Like Price joined the family! My brother Mark, and Mary Kate had their first child! He was born 9 lbs 15 oz, and 24 in. long. They made it back to Dallas yesterday and Gracie couldnt wait to meet him...
So those are the highlights. We really apologise for letting this blog get so lax, but there never seems to be enough time in the day to get it done. We will try and do better, but Gracie seems to be gaining steam and we are just trying to keep up!
Steve and Jen
YEAH! Thanks for the update. I almost lost hope. She is growing up SO fast...what a beautiful girl. And kudos to you for taking in an exchange student.
We get threatening emails if our blog goes more than a month. Don't let it happen again. You shouldn't let such a pretty girl go so long without props.
A gal with an exchange student program called us the other day. We said maybe next year, or the next.
Sarah's parents (Craig & Mikel)
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