We made it home safe and sound on Friday late afternoon. That was the hardest traveling we have ever experienced. Gracie slept the 1 hour flight from Guangzhou to Hong Kong and then was wide awake for the next 17 hours. We tried to get an upgrade from Hong Kong to San Francisco, but no going. We were packed in like sardines and Gracie was wired. Steve and I literally were taking turns with her so the other one could get a few minutes of shut eye. But we made it home and our luggage did, too. We came straight home, ate, and went to bed. I should say that the traveling was hard for Steve and I, but I know it was hard on Gracie, too and she was such a trouper. She was always smiling and she likes to wave hi to people. We received many nice comments from strangers about how she is so cute and sweet.
Saturday we introduced Gracie to the house and the cats. She was very happy with her room--she started laughing and smiling. It made us feel so good. I was worried that she would miss her friends and foster mother. I am sure she does, but doesn't seem to mind not having to share her toys. The cats are very curious about this new member to the family. They follow Gracie wherever she goes, but they stay at a distance, except Emily. Emily has taken on a new persona-the grumpy old girl is very maternal. Emily lets Gracie pet her, even though Gracie grabs at her fur. I have been teaching Gracie to "just pet" (holding her hand flat and making the motions) instead of grabbing. Yesterday Gracie even said "just pet"-it was so cute-my heart melted!
So it is Tuesday morning and we just now got the laptop set up. That is very unusual for my husband, but there is a good reason for it. Steve and I both came home very sick. We went to Primacare over the weekend and we both have ear and sinus infections. So we are on antibiotics and are now starting to feel much better. We went to the pediatrician's office yesterday and Gracie got a clean bill of health. She does not have an ear infection. How did we get one? We have no idea-one of the plane rides we guess. Needless to say, we have stayed home and have been taking turns with Gracie. Our clocks have not been reset either, so we have been up at around 3:00 am every morning. Gracie has had serious sleeping issues-she hates her crib and wakes up several times crying in the middle of the night. So now that we know it isn't a medical reason (we thought she was ill too), we decided the next step is sleep deprivation. Yesterday, we let her have 1 nap (usually she has 2) and kept her up until 8. It worked like a charm. It is now 5 am and she is still asleep. My mom said we are having parenting trial by fire--we said more like inferno--but once we are feeling better and Gracie is sleeping most of the night, things will be easier.
So Steve and I have received numerous emails and comments on the blog and we want to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU--for all your well-wishes, love, and support. We weren't able to see the blog while in China, all we could do was create a new post, but my mom would read them to me when I called, and Steve and I would laugh or smile.
The above pictures are called red couch photos. Many adoptive families stay at the White Swan hotel in Guangzhou. The hotel has these long red velvet sofas and at some time in the past families starting taking photos and posting them. So it is now a tradition to get a "red couch" photo. It is not professionally done-we took them. These are all of the babies in our group (10 babies). You can see that they just loved it;) Well, it will be in Gracie's scrapbook, anyway--lol.
Wishing you all a very happy Thanksgiving!
Welcome home new family!!! So sorry you two are sick but glad Grace isn't. Also glad to hear you've already found a solution on the sleeping issues. When you are all well and feeling settled in let's meet for breakfast. I'd say lunch but that is usually when the kids are ready to konk out. If you're not feeling up to getting out we can come there. We're excited to meet Gracie in case you couldn't tell.
Welcome home guys!!! We are so happy that you made it home in one piece. Please let us know if you need anything!!! Your pictures are so cute and we can't wait to meet little Gracie!! We wouldn't mind going to breakfast with the Toomey's too!!! :)
What a wonderful way to start the holiday season! Take lots of pictures and have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Y'all have so much to be thankful for!
Mary Kay
OK...We are ready for some updates there missy!
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