We have recovered from our infections and are now on good sleep schedules. I have learned that this is critical. It took about a week for us to get on Dallas time and another week to get our naps figured out. She now sleeps through the night (95% of the time)and takes 2 naps. I think that is wonderful. I know that will change soon enough as she grows up, but it is hard being a mom! I am laughing now because the rewards are wonderful, but right now Gracie is what some call "velcro baby"--she sticks to me. According to all the literature I have read, that is a great thing--it shows she is attaching.
We have had such fun with her the last couple of weeks and are excited about Christmas. Every year we have said that once we have our girl home we would do extra decorations, sing songs, go see the lights, etc. etc. And now that it is here, we just can't seem to get things together, so we set aside this weekend to get a Christmas tree and decorate the house. Plus, we have figured out that with a 1 year old, it will take two adults just to keep up with her! It is always a new adventure. We hope you have fun adventures and we wish you a very happy holidays!
How wonderful! I love the pictures! Jennifer you know they say the hardest job a woman will ever have is being a Mom. I am sure you will do a great job!
Mary Kay
I love the new pictures!! I am so glad everyone is settling in.
Hey you two!!
Looks like Gracie's right at home - and it's a beautiful sight!!!! Congrats!
LOVE the updates! She is such a cutie pie and how wonderful that she is meeting the extended family. This is the first year I've decorated and baked cookies and such the way I've wanted since becoming a Mom. It took me several years to settle in to the craziness of motherhood! Awesome on the sleeping...that is a real blessing.
Steve and Jen,
I wanted to let you know that you have a beautiful baby girl. The pics of China are wonderful, and can't wait to visit myself. I'm very excited for both of you. Congrats.
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